Why I Deleted Instagram From My Phone (And How It Changed My Business)

Three weeks ago, I deleted Instagram from my phone.

I've decided to shift my behaviour around how I use it. Allow me to explain… 

I hit one of those "enough is enough" moments where I thought:

"F*ck this. Life's too short to get stuck in a scroll hole, lose hours to mindless consuming, and feel off because I'm taking on board too much of other people's marketing."*

Too much noise. Too many opinions. Too much fast information coming at me.

We were never designed to live like this.

Reframing Social Media as a Tool (Not a Trap)

Don’t get me wrong—I love social media. I love the connection, the creativity, the opportunities it brings. It’s a beautiful marketing tool that I’ve built a business with.

But I hate how easy it is to get sucked into the scroll every time I pick up my phone.

And I know I’m not the only one.

I hear it all the time from smart, intuitive business owners—women like you—who know social media is valuable for their business but hate how much time and energy it pulls from them.

That’s why I’m choosing to use it differently.

When Marketing Works For You (Not the Other Way Around)

Because here’s the thing—when our marketing is strategic, well thought out, and high quality, it does the hard work for us, even when we’re not physically there.

It nurtures our audience, builds connection, and keeps our business moving forward without needing to be ‘always on’.

Now that I’m a mum, I feel this more than ever. My time is precious, my energy is sacred, and I have zero interest in hustling just for the sake of it.

So I made some changes…

What This Looks Like For Me Now:

🐚 Using Instagram only on workdays
Posting, then deleting the app (post & ghost!)
🤍 Replying via desktop or batching DM replies later

A lot of social media advice tells us to be constantly engaged, but honestly? I value depth over speed and presence over pressure.

I care deeply about community and connection, but I also care about spending more time creating, thinking, and being in my life and business—offline.

How Could You Set Stronger Boundaries With Social Media?

I know I’m not the only one feeling this pull to be more intentional.

What would it look like for you to use social media for growth, connection, and visibility—without it draining your time and energy?

Maybe you also want to delete it from your phone and only reinstall for short chunks of time when you have posts or stories to schedule.

Maybe it's password protecting your time limit feature, so you don’t hit snooze every time the app tells you your time is up.

Maybe it’s deleting it from your phone on weekends because two days of rest from the noise is enough.

Maybe it’s shifting your content strategy, so it works for you instead of you working for it.

Can Your Content Work For You Behind The Scenes?

If the idea of posting and ghosting makes you feel uneasy—because you're not sure your content will keep doing its job when you're not there—I’d love to support you with a solid, soulful strategy.

📍 Book in for my 1:1 Soulful Content Lab, and let’s make magic with your marketing. (And if you want more ongoing support? There’s also the option to keep the momentum going with monthly sessions—imagine having a dedicated space each month to plan, create, and co-strategise your content with someone who gets it.)

Marketing shouldn’t feel like a full-time job—it should feel easy, aligned, and intentional.

What’s one social media boundary you’d love to set for yourself? I’d love to hear.

So much love,
Liz xoxo


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